Wednesday, May 20, 2009


So let me just start off by saying taking a nice hot shower is one of the best parts of my day! I love taking my showers! I got in the shower this morning and felt something crawling on my foot. Out of reaction i jumped out of the shower and shook my foot. A damn scorpion was on my foot! It didn't sting me thank God!! So I try my hardest to get a cup full of water to drown him and make him go back in the drain. So now I'm scared as shit and not enjoying my hot shower at all. I started bathing while also keeping an eye on the drain for that sucker to come out. And yes while I was washing my face he came back!!! Damn suckers can swim! OMG!! I did not know that but it makes sense he did come out of the DRAIN! Oh and I closed the drain thinking he cant up through b/c it's closed. Oh I'm so wrong! I called Kelly and he said "Yeah they can get through small spaces" Well no shit!!! I found out the hard way. I jumped out of the shower again and got my volumizer bottle and killed that sucker. Oh at least I hope so! It is no fun taking a shower with one eye on the damn drain! I would feel something on my leg or my foot and I would jump again. It was just the water running down my leg. My heart is still racing!! So scary! I really think there should be a manual for a city girl moving out to the country. A what to expect and what to do when...

Here lately we have had a few ticks in the house. I'm sure you are thinking well put some frontline on your dogs. They are on frontline and they are tick free. It's Kelly who is bring them home! Every time he has gone into the woods this year comes home with a tick on his body! Freakin nasty!! He said that he usually gets one tick on him in a year not one every time he goes into the woods. A few weeks ago I was in the closet putting my makeup on ( I have a large mirror in there and sit on the floor to put my makeup on) and saw a spider on me. I took it to Kelly and asked what kind of spider this was and he said "Babe, that's not a spider, it's a tick" OMG so nasty! I guess I've never seen one before. And the other morning I woke up and saw a tick crawling on my pillow! Seriously! I've had enough "country" bugs for a year or so! If I see another nasty bug I am going to get a hotel for a few days while Kelly sprays the whole house and our entire yard! Greta eats any bug she sees so if we didn't have her I wonder how many more bugs I might see! Thanks Greta! She's got my back!
Kelly gets mad at me sometimes when I freak out about these little bugs, but in my head I think to myself what if this little bug gets inside me somehow. What if it lays eggs inside my body and what damage can this nasty little bug do to me!? He doesn't really get mad but frustrated b/c these bugs wont kill me and if I got bit by a black widow (yes we have those too) then I'll just go to the hospital. But I say to myself what if I dont know I bit me and my arm turns blue and black and the doctors have to take it off! My mind wanders and I know the hospital isn't far if anything were to ever happen. Yes Kelly and Kit grew up with all these bugs and snakes and they turned out just fine. It's still scary! I am a country girl now but there is still a city girl inside somewhere!


Candycane said...

ooooooooooooooh yuk. you are more brave than your big sis!!

Lissa Michelle said...

This whole post made me laugh so hard...Although I probably wouldn't be laughing if it were me in the situation! LOL. I hope you guys can get it sprayed or something so that you don't freak out anymore. And hopefully Greta will eat anything bad that comes your way!

Kristyn said...

I have learned to adapt here. I finally killed it and yes Kelly will spray inside this weekend. He sprayed outside last weekend and I think that's why the scorpion came in!