Saturday, May 23, 2009


Today was the first day since the scorpion episode that I truly enjoyed my shower!! While I was washing my face I felt something on my foot (same foot that the devil was crawling up) and thought to myself "it's just water just enjoy this shower" Everytime I get in the shower this week I keep thinking it's gonna come back. I think to myself that this scorpion has it out for me and it's going to get me one way or another! I think I'm over it now! Or at least I hope for now I am. I'm sure sometime next year I'll see another one. Its been about one every year or so.
I woke up this morning and layed in bed with Kelly for a few hours and then went for a run. The run was a killer but in the end I was glad I went! I took Pinky and Khloe with me. Abby is just too old to go anymore. It's really sad but it's part of life! My goal is to try to get back into my running routine. I was so good last year but ever since I hurt my knee I've falling off the wagon (as Oprah and Kirsti Ally would say). It's so hard when you've stopped for so long! Maybe I'll become pregnant soon so I can stop trying to get back to my high school weight. I will still workout but just not as hard! Wish me luck this week!

1 comment:

Candycane said...

high school weight! lol. good thing that is not MY goal.
luv u, and you are perfect the way you are!