I recently received a new puppy. She just turned 12 weeks yesterday and she is soo sweet! I have a friend up at work (yes I've only been there for 3 or 4 weeks and I already got suckered!) and her nana breeds English Shepherds. Well this puppy's right eye is just a little bit smaller than the other eye and she couldn't get papers. So she just gave Kelly and me the puppy! I had our vet look at her and everything is fine! She is soo cute and SOFT!! Everybody has fallen in love with her and I think I've giving my mother-in-law puppy fever!! OOPS! Anyways, for some reason I ALWAYS think I'm exempt from the everyday normal stuff. Like if I dont want something to happen then I for some reason think it wont happen. Khloe (my new puppy) is chewing on everything!!! I honestly didn't think she would! I thought she would be the model puppy! The first night I think we let her sleep in the room with us and then the second night we got a crate for her and placed it on the other end of the house. She whined a few times that night. So last night we put the crate next to my side of the bed so she could see me and absolutely no whining all night long!! Honestly she is a good puppy, not too hyper, doesn't chew up things too bad, and I couldn't believe we didn't hear a peep from her all night!! The other dogs we a bit snobby the first few days but not Pinky is warming up to Khole! Abby is just old and prob needs more attention now from us, b/c she doesn't want to play around with the others. I am soo glad we got Khloe. I have never had a puppy, a kitten yes, but not a puppy. Well I better get ready for the day. I am taking Khloe to Petsmart and to Candice's to meet them all!!
I love sweet, sweet Khloe.
Aunt Candycane
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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